Te Wānanga Taiao

A development history

About Te Wānanga Taiao

Mā te huruhuru ka rere te  manu.

‘Adorn the bird with feathers so it may soar’

Make a donation towards Te Wānanga Taiao today!


Ngā mihi nui

Thank you to the many people, businesses and supporters from within the community that have contributed to date:

We are so grateful for your support. He waka eke noa – we are all in this together!


Funding Target

Project Progress

  • Site Preparation 100% 100%
  • Building Construction 99% 99%
  • Fitout 21% 21%

Latest News

January 2023
January 2023

Roof joins together the meeting house, accommodation and kitchen spaces.

Te Wānanga starting to take shape as the roof joins together the meeting house, accommodation and kitchen spaces.

On target for a June opening date!



November 2022
November 2022

JNL Ambasador Peter Wolfkamp visits Te Wānanga

JNL Ambasador Peter  Wolkamp visits Te Wānanga to meet builders and check out build progress.



SEP 2022
SEP 2022

Westpac NZ Ambassador Richie McCaw visits the build site

Westpac NZ Ambassador Richie McCaw visits the build site at Pūkaha community Open Day in September 2022


JULY 2022
JULY 2022

Apprentice impresses with engineering skills while working on Wānanga

JULY 2022: Kanesha Waldron, an engineering apprentice, fabricated and welded floor bearers for the Wānanga project.

Read about her engineering mahi and connection to Pūkaha … here


APRIL 2022
Te Waananga Taiao environmental education centre at Pukaha National Wildlife Centre
APRIL 2022

Roof and walls go up

During April and May 2022 the roof and walls were quickly erected taking advantage of the sunny Autumn days.

The LVL framing has been part funded by JNL.

The dedication of Masterton-based Quality Builders has been outstanding throughout the project.

JAN 2022
Waananga 190122 LO RES 5934
JAN 2022

$50,000 worth of J-Frame Lumber from JNL

Juken New Zealand LTD generously support the Wānanga project by donating $50,000 worth of J-FRAME Structural Laminated Veneer Lumber.

Nga mihi JNL👏!

DEC 2021
Te Waananga Te Taio
DEC 2021

Framing has commenced and the rooms are starting to take shape.

It’s really exciting to start to see how students could experience the space, in the ngahere (forest).

OCT 2021
OCT 2021

$1 million loan secured from Tararua District Council

Tararua District Mayor Tracey Collis gives the project a huge boost, signing a $1 million loan agreement with Pūkaha National Wildlife Centre at a contract signing ceremony.

Sep 2021
Sponsor A Hectare Pukaha Wildlife Centre No Birds
Sep 2021

Site preparation begins

Boots on the ground work for Te Wananga Taiao begins. The land is cleared of scrub. The old workshop and storage sheds are removed. The site is leveled and made ready for building to commence.

May 2021
May 2021

PGF Funding success!

Economic Development Minister Shane Jones announces Pūkaha’s successful Provincial Growth Fund application of $2.5 million, signalling the green light for the $5 million development project.

What are people saying?

What are tangata (people) saying about Te Wānanga Taiao.

Dr Ruud Kleinpaste (AKA The Bugman)

Dr Ruud Kleinpaste (AKA The Bugman)

(AKA The Bugman)

“It’s become quite obvious that we humans have been on a path of disconnect with nature. Now it is time to re-connect. In terms of Education, let’s explore the lessons Nature can teach us to live on our planet with grace, elegance and understanding. Let’s see if we can become a “welcome species” again and learn from Nature, in Nature. In my opinion, Pūkaha can be the best outdoor classroom in Aotearoa New Zealand.”

Claire Mathews

Claire Mathews

Board Co-Chair and Member, Pūkaha National Wildlife Centre

“Pūkaha is a treasure for all of Aotearoa and it is an honour to be a part of the organisation at such an important time in its history.  As a community we have the opportunity to create a very significant legacy for many generations to come, I encourage all locals to get in behind this ambitious project.”

Emily Court

Emily Court

General Manager, Pūkaha National Wildlife Centre

“Pūkaha is making a major investment in the expansion of its education programmes to increase its reach to a greater number of schools. This includes new interactive learning programmes for students at Pūkaha and in the classroom as well as providing support for teaching staff. Te Wānanga Taiao is more than just a building. It incorporates the development and delivery of environmental education programmes and is a place of special significance to Rangitāne. It will be adorned with carvings currently being completed by a team of Rangitāne carvers who are based at Pūkaha.”

Tracey Collis

Tracey Collis

Tararua District Mayor

“Te Wānanga Taiao will be an exciting and valuable addition to Pūkaha National Wildlife Centre. It provides a unique cultural visitor experience to the Tararua District and adds to the pride and aroha we already have for Pūkaha. We are excited to share the benefits to the community that Te Wānanga Taiao will bring as an educational and accommodation centre. The future opportunities are truly exciting.”