
Postal Address

PO Box 680
Masterton 5840

Contact Pūkaha

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are your prices and hours?
How do I get there?

Click here to see a map, with full directions to get here from various starting points!

How long does it take to experience Pūkaha?

It takes a minimum of one hour.

You can easily plan a longer visit to include our daily talks and stop for refreshments at our café.

For an idea of the Pūkaha experience, see What to Expect.

Tell me about Kākā Café.

Kākā Café is open seven days a week from 9:00 am.
From April to October, the café closes at 4:30 pm.
Otherwise, it is open until 5:00 pm.

You are welcome to eat at the café without purchasing an entry ticket to the wildlife park… just watch out for the cheeky kākā who may try to steal your food!

Click here to find out more about Kākā Café

Do you have wild kiwi?

Yes, we do. Part of the Pūkaha captive breeding programme includes breeding North Island brown kiwi for our own reserve.

We also have a many other wildlife; you can see some of them here!

Is Pūkaha fenced?

No. Pūkaha is an unfenced reserve.

Do you have maps?

We have a beautiful map of our tracks and attractions right here; printed copies are available in the centre.

We do not currently stock regional maps but we do have an extensive collection of brochures showing regional attractions.

Where's the nearest gas station / accommodation / campground?

With a 10 minute drive you’ll find:
GAS Eketahuna
Eketahuna Inn, Bar & Restaurant
Eketahuna Camping Ground.

Mount Bruce Lodge is four minutes away.
The town of Masterton is a 20-minute drive and has:
A range of gas stations
Lots of accommodation options
Mawley Holiday Park campground.

What else is there to do nearby?

We’ve got some suggestions for nearby attractions, and the Destination Wairarapa website has plenty of information too.

Where can I take my dog for a walk?
You cannot take dogs out at Pūkaha.

The nearest places are Anzac Bridge or  Kiriwhakapapa.

How do I become a member?
Can I talk to a human?

Sure! We have fantastic, friendly staff. Give us a call on 06 375-8004