Pūkaha Conservation Donation


Kia ora and thank you for supporting our vital conservation work here at Pūkaha!

Every dollar counts in helping to protect our unique flora and fauna. From forest restoration, to rearing the smallest of shore plover chicks, your donation goes directly towards supporting our conservation efforts.

Your contribution might go towards feeding a kiwi chick, monitoring a nest out in the reserve, or establishing a trap line. The possibilities are endless!

Some examples:

  • It costs $8 a week to feed a fast growing kiwi chick in our nursery.
  • $35 feeds a clutch of whio ducklings as they learn to dabble for food in the water.
  • $60 a month will keep one of our traplines secure and maintained.
  • $90 will feed our kākāriki and kākā families each week.
  • $145 will provide safe nest boxes for our wild birds, such as kākā and rifleman to call home.
  • It costs almost $2,500 to hatch, raise and release a kiwi back out into the wild!

By donating today you are supporting conservation in action! Thank you!

Don’t forget, as a registered charity for every donation you make over $5, you can claim back 33.33%! We will send you a tax receipt to the address provided. 

Charity Number: CC20604

SKU: N/A Categories: ,

Additional information

Donation Amount

$10, $20, $25, $40, $50, $75, $100, $150, $200

Pūkaha Conservation Donation


Kia ora and thank you for supporting our vital conservation work here at Pūkaha!

Every dollar counts in helping to protect our unique flora and fauna. From forest restoration, to rearing the smallest of shore plover chicks, your donation goes directly towards supporting our conservation efforts.

Your contribution might go towards feeding a kiwi chick, monitoring a nest out in the reserve, or establishing a trap line. The possibilities are endless!

Some examples:

  • It costs $8 a week to feed a fast growing kiwi chick in our nursery.
  • $35 feeds a clutch of whio ducklings as they learn to dabble for food in the water.
  • $60 a month will keep one of our traplines secure and maintained.
  • $90 will feed our kākāriki and kākā families each week.
  • $145 will provide safe nest boxes for our wild birds, such as kākā and rifleman to call home.
  • It costs almost $2,500 to hatch, raise and release a kiwi back out into the wild!

By donating today you are supporting conservation in action! Thank you!

Don’t forget, as a registered charity for every donation you make over $5, you can claim back 33.33%! We will send you a tax receipt to the address provided. 

Charity Number: CC20604

SKU: N/A Categories: ,

Additional information

Donation Amount

$10, $20, $25, $40, $50, $75, $100, $150, $200

Additional information

Donation Amount

$10, $20, $25, $40, $50, $75, $100, $150, $200