Bird news


Despite the winter cold, there’s been plenty happening with our feathered friends!

The little pīwakawaka has been very busy lately, snapping up treats out the front of the Visitor Centre to show off to his potential new lady.

There are signs all around that breeding season is starting up, even though we are still in winter! With these warmer days, nests are starting to be built, and courtships are underway.

It will be interesting to see which of our Aviary pairs will nest first!

We are so proud of our kākā juveniles from last season, and cannot believe their release day is getting closer and closer.

Before we release any bird into the wild, we want to make sure they have the best chance possible to not only survive, but thrive in their natural home.

You will see our rangers foraging in the forest, finding the tastiest looking berries and flowers to provide for the birds, to get them used to eating food they would find out in the wild. Rotten logs, coprosma and patē berries make up a large portion of their foraging diet.

By being as hands off as possible during this stage, the birds learn they no longer have to depend on us for food. It is so rewarding knowing that soon these birds will be flying free and bringing their own little chicks into the world!